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Monthly Archives: June 2014

Top 5 Reasons People File Bankruptcy in Stockton, CA

Following the financial crisis of 2007/2008, Stockton was particularly hard hit by the sub-prime mortgage scandal and the consequent loss of employment and shrinking consumer base. There is no single reason why hardworking individuals and families have found themselves in difficult financial situations. Similarly, there is not single reason why Stocktonians have chosen to file for the benefits and protections afforded under bankruptcy. What has made bankruptcy in Stockton so appealing to the community and indeed to the city itself?

The most powerful legal protection afforded people filing for bankruptcy in Stockton is the automatic stay. This is a legal directive that requires your creditors, lenders, collectors, and anyone else pursuing legal action due to unsecured debt to stop their attempts at collection immediately. These can include one or more of the following:
-Wage garnishment
-Repossession of a vehicle
-Seizure of property
-Harassment from collectors and lenders
As long as you are under the protection of bankruptcy, none of these can legally take place. If a creditor does try to pursue collections during this period, alert your attorney immediately.

Many individuals, families, and businesses are stuck in a bill-to-bill cycle wherein a single unforeseen expense could put them in ruin. Under these circumstances there is no way to build savings. During the course of your petition for bankruptcy in Stockton, many of your debts will be discharged altogether (in the case of chapter 7) or reorganized into a smaller, more manageable monthly payment (chapters 11 & 13). What this means is that for the first time since your financial troubles began, you can begin to build your savings back up, putting you in black and helping ensure you stay out of debt into the future.

Before you begin to believe that bankruptcy […]

By |June 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Top 5 Reasons People File Bankruptcy in Stockton, CA

How To Find the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Sacramento

The financial crash of 2008 facilitated many changes in our financial and legal landscape. One of these changes was the vastly increased need for bankruptcy attorneys in Sacramento and across California. Fortunately, many well qualified and trustworthy attorneys have come forward to meet the needs of individuals, families, and businesses in need. However, while there are many expertly trained and highly experienced attorneys throughout the Sacramento region, there are just as many who are not worth the paper on which their law degree is printed. For the benefit of consumers in the greater Sacramento area, below is a compilation of the best Bankruptcy Attorneys in Sacramento.

California Board Certified Attorneys
What does it mean to be a California Board Certified bankruptcy Attorney in Sacramento? The American Board of Certification is a non-profit organization of lawyers and legal experts tasked with independently and objectively differentiating between bankruptcy attorneys with special skills and knowledge , and those without. You can find out more about the American Board of Certification here.

>Anthony Hughes: Bankruptcy attorney Anthony Hughes is the only consumer bankruptcy board certified bankruptcy attorney in Sacramento. He was admitted to the bar in 2007 and since then has helped over 5000 clients complete successful bankruptcy petitions throughout the state of California.
Anthony Hughes
The Law Offices of Gabriel Liberman
1395 Garden Highway
Suite 150
Sacramento CA 95833

>Trainor Fairbrook: Ms. Fairbanks is a business bankruptcy attorney in Sacramento. She earned her J.D. from McGeorge and was admitted to the bar in 1982.
Trainor Fairbrook
Trainor Fairbrook Attorneys at Law
(916) 929-7000
980 Fulton Avenue
Sacramento, California 95825

>Donna T. Parkinson: Ms. Parkinson is a business bankruptcy and creditor rights board certified bankruptcy attorney in Sacramento. She earned her J.D. from UC Davis and was admitted to the bar in 1986.
Donna […]

By |June 6th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How To Find the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Sacramento

Notice of Bankruptcy: The Opening Volley

Have you been receiving phone calls from collections companies? Are there tersely-worded letters piling up at your front door? Is your email inbox flooded with offers of cheap and easy help? Have you missed a credit card or mortgage payment? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, there is a legal tool that has helped millions of individuals, families, and businesses correct their troubled finances and begin anew. This tool is bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is a complex process, but its advantages warrant pursuing it with a qualified California bankruptcy attorney. Having completed a free consultation, a client will then begin the journey of bankruptcy. Your attorney will take on your creditors on your behalf, easing pressure on you and your family. The primary means by which this happens is the issuance of notices of bankruptcy.

A notice of bankruptcy, or a notice of bankruptcy and stay, is a legal notice sent to all known creditors informing them that any and all collections actions must stop immediately. If the creditor is currently pursuing legal action in court, the debtor/attorney must inform the court of the stay. Your California bankruptcy attorney will ensure these notices are served properly and timely.

You will notice above that a notice of bankruptcy and stay will only be sent to known creditors. This is why it is so important to declare all debts to your bankruptcy attorney before a petition is filed with the bankruptcy court. If a creditor is left out of the petition, there will be no notice of bankruptcy and stay, and collections will continue. Being forthcoming during your free consultation will help your attorney protect your assets regardless of whether you file for chapter 7, chapter 11, […]

By |June 3rd, 2014|Banckruptcy Law, Debt Solutions, Hughes News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Notice of Bankruptcy: The Opening Volley

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